Before we begin, just a quick reminder that skilling pets is for RuneScape members only. If you’re not a member yet, then please check this store to know how you can get RuneScape membership in the most affordable way.
Now, for those who are already RS members, it may take hundreds of hours to get your own OSRS skilling pet.
What is an OSRS Pet?
The definition of OSRS pets in the game we play is that they are non-combat NPCs loyal to you and they are generally obtained by being lucky during monster drops and when you do skilling. Some RuneScape pets must be raised to maturity by following the player or in this case, it will be following you.
If you played Pokemon before and was able to hatch an egg successfully then, you should be quite familiar with the process of raising an OSRS pet.
If getting a pet is something you want to achieve, be aware that you might be getting a high-tier skilling item than a skilling pet.
What Happens When You Get Your Own Skilling Pet?
When you get an OSRS pet, it will automatically follow you around the game. Pets in the game also produce a small sound and you get this funny feeling that someone is follwoig you every single time.
Just a quick reminder that if your inventory is already full and you have an existing osrs pet, you will not receive a new pet when you are skilling.
When it comes to skilling in OSRS, the pet will be the priority over the resource that you are trying to get and it’ll be added in the last inventory slot available, while the the resource that you’re trying to gather will eb dropped when you reach full inventory.
If there’s an unfortunate time in the game that you die with a pet following you or if it is in their inventory but you weren’t able to protect it, then the pet will be dropped and it will be wandering around the area for 30 seconds before despawning. Even if you manage to return in time, you won’t be able to pick up your OSRS skilling pet.
That is why we highly advise that you insure your RuneScape pet so that you still have a chance to reclaim it. To insure your OSRS pet, you can visit Probita and pay the 500,000 coins that are required.
Types of OSRS Skilling Pets
Hunting Pet: Baby Chinchompa
The baby chinchompa is an OSRS skilling pet that can be received while catching any kind of chinchompa in Gielinor. The chances of getting it are highly dependent on your current Hunter level.
Fun Fact: The way the golden baby chinchompa communicates was patterned to Pikachu from Pokémon.
Mining Pet: Rock Golem
The rock golem is a skilling pet exclusive to RS members that can be obtained while leveling up your Mining skill. The chances of getting it are dependent on your current Mining level, and the time it takes for you to gather a resource.
Farming Pet: Tangleroot
The tangleroot is a skilling pet that you can obtain when checking the health of your trees or when harvesting the final crop of one of your farming patches. It can also be had while playing the Tithe Farm minigame.
Runecrafting Pet: Rift Guardian
The rift guardian is a skilling pet that can be had while you train your Runecrafting skills. The chances of getting it are dependent on your current Runecrafting level, the rune you are crafting, and the number of essence you’ve used.
Fishing Pet: Heron
The heron is an OSRS skilling pet for members that can be obtained while training your Fishing skill. The chances of getting it are highly dependent on your current Fishing level, and the time it takes for you to gather a resource.
Fun Fact: The way the heron communicates was patterned to Nigel, the pelican, in Finding Nemo.
Thieving Pet: Rocky
Rocky is an OSRS skilling pet that can be had while training your Thieving skill. This includes pickpocketing from NPCs, stealing from stalls, picking fruit in the Sorceress’s Garden, and looting grand gold chests within the Pyramid Plunder.
Woodcutting Pet: Beaver
The beaver is a members-only skilling pet in OSRS that can be obtained while you train your Woodcutting skill. A strange sound can be heard when you get a beaver while Woodcutting. The chances of getting it are dependent on your current Woodcutting level, and the time it takes for you to gather a resource.
Agility Pet: Squirrel
The giant squirrel is a skilling pet that can you can get after completing the agility course, as well as from ticket dispensers within the Brimhaven Agility Arena. If you might notice, the OSRS squirrel’s appearance is based on the Indian giant squirrel we have here on Earth.
More Information About Getting A Skilling Pet in Old School RuneScape
- Agility Pet for Penguin Agility Course (Level 30)
Drop Rate: 1 in 9,779
Time It Will Take To Get OSRS Skilling Pet: Around 178 Hours - Agility Pet for Ardougne Course (Level 90)
Drop Rate: 1 in 34,440
Time It Will Take To Get OSRS Skilling Pet: Around 492 Hours
- Thieving Pet for Pyramid Plunder (Level 91)
Drop Rate: 1 in 1,602
Time It Will Take To Get OSRS Skilling Pet: Around 80 Hours - Thieving Pet for Ardougne Knights (Level 95)
Drop Rate: 1 in 257,211
Time It Will Take To Get OSRS Skilling Pet: Around 90 Hours
- Mining Pet – Gem Rocks (Level 52) and Karamja Hard Diary
Drop Rate: 1 in 211,886
Time It Will Take To Get OSRS Skilling Pet: Around 235 Hours - Mining Pet – Granite (Level 45)
Drop Rate: 1 in 741,600
Time It Will Take To Get OSRS Skilling Pet: Around 415 Hours
- Fishing Pet – 3 Tick Barbarian Fishing (70 Fishing, 45 Strength, and 45 Agility)
Drop Rate: 1 in 426,954
Time It Will Take To Get OSRS Skilling Pet: Around 267 Hours - Fishing Pet – 2 Tick Sharks (76 Fishing and Monkey Madness)
Drop Rate: 1 in 82,243
Time It Will Take To Get OSRS Skilling Pet: Around 187 Hours
- Woodcutting Pet – 2 Tick Teaks (35 Woodcutting and Monkey Madness)
Drop Rate: 1 in 264,336
Time It Will Take To Get OSRS Skilling Pet: Around 126 Hours - Woodcutting Pet – Redwoods (90 Woodcutting and 75% Hosidius)
Drop Rate: 1 in 72,321
Time It Will Take To Get OSRS Skilling Pet: Around 393 Hours
- Farming Pet – Tree Runs
Drop Rate: Varies depending on the tree
Cactus – 1 in 7,000
Calquat – 1 in 6,000
Fruit Trees – 1 in 9,000
Spirit Trees – 1 in 5,000
Tithe Farm – 1 in 7,494,389
Time It Will Take To Get OSRS Skilling Pet: Varies depending on the tree
- Runecrafting Pet – Fire/Lava Runes (Level 75 for pouches)
Drop Rate: 1 in 1,795,758
Time It Will Take To Get OSRS Skilling Pet: Around 264 Hours - Runecrafting Pet – Mind Runes (Level 75 for pouches and 60% Arceuus)
Drop Rate: 1 in 1,795,758
Time It Will Take To Get OSRS Skilling Pet: Around 249 Hours
- Hunter Pet for 3 Tick Black Chinchompas (Level 80 Hunter for 6 traps)
Drop Rate: 1 in 82,758
Time It Will Take To Get OSRS Skilling Pet: Around 131 Hours